Far away from missile attacks. How Ukrainian family started the new page of life in Australia

Alex Volodin, 45, his wife Vika, 44, and two sons Denis and Dima (4 and 2 years old respectively) had recently moved to their apartment in the new residentia...

Work, donate and bring closer victory over the Kremlin and cancer. The history of Iryna, Vitaly and Oksana

The clear anticipation of a war was hanging in the air since the beginning of February, and they were keeping their car fully fuelled ready to leave the capi...

With 2 kids and 3 backpacks. Vika's Hordiiko long way from Ukraine to Orange, NSW in the search of safe haven

It was about 5 a.m. 24 February when Vika Hordiiko, 38, Kyiv, woke up from a distant rumble. One shouldn`t be a great predictor to guess what has happened. T...


Impact JobEntry EOFY Report May-July 2022

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