Translate your overseas qualifications and experience into your first Australian job

Choose a path

To help us connect you to the right job opportunities, please register with us by providing some information about yourself and your contact details. In addition to employment services, we run a number of initiatives that help newly arrived migrants to settle into their new life in Australia and take advantage of the multiple opportunities available to them - so don't miss out!

Create your profile

Putting together your first Australian resume can be a daunting task. You can download resume templates for the most popular industries from our website - then all you have to do is customise your resume to best reflect your qualifications and experience.

Get ready

Have you already secured your first Australian job interview? Congratulations! Your best bet for successfully performing in your upcoming interview is to be as prepared as possible. In our interview preparation sessions, we give you solid, practical tips that will help you pass your interviews with flying colours.

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